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Creative Tonie Doctor

Creative Tonie Doctor

Regular price £11.99 GBP
Regular price Sale price £11.99 GBP
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Play a personally recorded story, song, or message from someone on your Toniebox*. This Doctor toy is one of a large selection of 'Tonies'; toys that play all sorts of audio when placed on top of a Toniebox (a cushioned, portable, speaker that is ideal for children aged three and up.

This is a creative Tonie and you don't have to, but it can be useful to choose a Tonie that represents the personality of the person who recorded the message.

The Doctor creative Tonie could be a great toy for any budding doctor. Alternatively, some children can get a little intimidated by doctors and this wee toy and the stories it tells could be a great way to help them learn to relax more about doctor visits.

Available Running time with this Tonie: 90 minutes

Suitable for children aged 3 years and up

*PLEASE NOTE: In order to record a message you will need the Tonie App (available free for iOS from version 9 and Android from version 4.4), as well as a Toniecloud account (easy to set up and linked to your Tonies box).

In order to play the message, you will need a Toniebox with a Wi-Fi connection and a Toniecloud account.
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